
Library’s history is inextricably linked with the history of the Institute. The countdown began in 1959 when the Industrial Faculty for evening classes of Kazakh mining and metallurgical institute was founded on the basis of SSGOK. The book stock has been intensively replenished since 1962. Russian universities played a huge role in the formation of library’s initial book collection. The basis of the library went to five thousand books donated by Leningrad, Moscow and Sverdlovsk Mining Institutes, by Moscow State University.

Maria Orlovа was the founder and the permanent head of the library from 1961 to 1994  then Galina Alekseyevna Rybgaginа from 1995 to 2013.

We remember with gratitude the names of employees who worked in our library for a long time, they are Orlova M. G., Snegirevа G. I., Kirovа G. S., Pigina V. N., Zavgorodnyaya I. A., Ischenko S. I., Ursal L. A., Danilevskaya Z. A., Pinchuk O. S., Sosninа E. K., Petukhovа N. M., Rybgagina G. A., Semenova G. P., Torchinava T. I., Eryomkina Z. A., Maslova V. M., Grebentsova I. F., Mikhailovskaya, V. N., Drobotenko, V. V., Marakova T. I., Savenko, L. V., Zakharova N.I. Vasilyeva T. I. Italmasova S. J.

In 2000, having only 2 computers, the library began to create an electronic catalogue, independently mastered new computer technologies.

In 2008, the hall of electronic information resources was opened.

In 2000, having only 2 computers, the library began to create an electronic catalogue, independently mastered new computer technologies. In 2008, the hall of electronic information resources was opened.

Today, the library of RII is the largest library in the city, a universal repository of information in various forms and types. The area of the library is 1041,3m², the number of seats in the reading rooms is 147. The number of users varies from students of all forms of education, undergraduates, students attending courses, teachers and employees.

In the effort to meet demands of time and status of educational institution, the library has been constantly expanding the number of its functions and services; the structure is being changed, but desire to be useful to readers always remains unchanged.

Collective of the RII Digital Library